Admission 2024-2025
For details and more explanation of the admission process 2025, watch this video:
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Qualifications for Scholarship
Applicants from all the Egyptian governorates, regardless of their location and not limited to their gender, religion, and social, and economic status can enrol at Gouna Technical Nursing Institute by submitting their request electronically to the Egyptian Coordination Office for the admission of students (ECOA). If the applicant scores match the score identified by the ECOA for the current academic year, the applicants receive an automated distribution card denoting their distribution to GTNI. At this stage, applicants are eligible for the internal admission process at the institute.The admission decision is based on three aspects:
- Medical fitness revealed by the lab investigation, health history and medical examination.
- English language level that shall not be below a pre-intermediate level.
- Candidate willingness and interest to study nursing and abide by the scholarship regulations concluded through the analysis of the submitted application that is elaborated upon through a brief interview that enables the interviewer to validate or decline answers stated in the application and perceive the candidates' willingness to accept the challenge of the scholarship.
- Hold a high school Certificate (science track) or equivalent, and admission is based on a high school score the ECOA identifies annually.
- Be free from any infectious diseases and have the fitness to pursue studies according to the rules determined by the Higher Council for Institute Affairs.
- Be a full-time student at the institute, according to the obligations of the Egyptian Institutes’ internal regulations.
- Have a good reputation and a clean criminal record.
Please note the GTNI accepts both male and female students
Candidates must submit the below to prove the admission requirements:
- ID (Nationality & Age)
- Birth certificate
- Card received from the Coordination Office for the Admission of Students (ECOA)
- Copy of high school (Thanaweya Amma) Transcript
- Covid Vaccination card [ 2 doses]
- Proof card of hepatitis C virus vaccination.
- Criminal record check
- If the applicant is transferring from another institute, an official letter from the faculty / or institute he/she is enrolled in is required.
Follow the following steps to apply to the institute.
- Apply through the Egyptian coordination office for admissions.
- Enter the code (995).
- Get a nomination card.
- Fill out the application form electronically by clicking on the "Apply" button located at the top of the page.
- Follow the scheduled date assigned to you for the purpose of undergoing the admission tests and medical examination at the institute.
- Wait for the result of the admission tests.

- A cognitive ability: to be oriented to time, place and person in order to organize responsibilities and make right decisions.
- Sensory abilities are also vital: Visual ability sufficient for observation and assessment to observe patient responses and specimen characteristics. Hearing ability sufficient to assess and monitor patient needs such as cries for help, auscultatory sounds, and monitor alarms.Tactile ability sufficient for physical assessment which includes palpation and therapeutic interventions.
- Nurses need to have affective abilities: sufficient to interact with individuals,
families and groups from a variety of social, emotional, cultural and intellectual backgrounds. - As well as, psychomotor abilities: enough to move from room to room and to maneuver in small spaces, enough to provide safe and effective nursing care such as lift, move and position patients, use equipment, administer CPR and perform other skills.